The Professional Footballers’ Association (PFA) appointed N3XT Sports in 2022 to design and implement the union’s data and digital transformation strategic plan for building a multi-functional, member-centric digital ecosystem. This has included the deployment of the digital-only PFA Member Portal, connected with the fully integrated and scalable PFA Employee Portal and a custom-built customer relationship management (CRM) solution.
Supporting its members at key milestones in their careers, with the support of N3XT Sports, the PFA has developed a 360º overview of its digital ecosystem. Since its implementation, the PFA Member Portal has enabled members to personalize their user experience (UX) and has so far catered more than 12,000 member sign-ups. Meanwhile, the PFA Employee Portal consolidates all of the PFA’s digital resources in one location, helping to raise the digital and data fluency across the organization.
Download the Professional Footballers’ Association Digital Transformation Playbook to discover every step taken inside the PFA’s data and digital transformation strategy, from the preliminary assessment of the PFA’s internal processes to the design and implementation of the union’s digital ecosystem, and how it is already forging tangible change throughout the industry.